

2023-04-22 来源:品趣旅游知识分享网

全文共6篇示例,供读者参考 篇1

My Favorite Holiday - Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival is one of my favorite holidays of the year! It's a special day when my family and I get to honor our

ancestors and connect with our heritage. I always look forward to the festivities and traditions surrounding this important occasion.

Every year in early April, my parents take me to visit the graves of my grandparents, great-grandparents, and other relatives who have passed away. We bring along fresh flowers, green branches of willow trees, and delicious food offerings like fruits, vegetables, and even my grandpa's favorite candies! My mom always packs enough for a picnic lunch too.

The first thing we do when we arrive at the cemetery is carefully tidy up the grave sites. We pull any weeds, sweep away fallen leaves and dirt, and make sure each grave marker is nice and clean. As we work, my dad tells me stories about my ancestors and what kind of people they were. Hearing about

their lives helps me feel closer to them, even though I never got to meet them myself.

Once the area looks perfect, we place the willow branches in front of the graves. The bright green colors are supposed to represent renewal and rebirth in the spring season. My parents always make sure there is fresh water in the little containers on the gravestones too. Then it's time for the food! We set out all the fruits, veggies, and candies as offerings to honor our ancestors. My favorite part is lighting the sticks of incense and watching the smoke swirl up towards the sky, carrying our respects.

After cleaning and making offerings, we have a tasty picnic feast right there in the cemetery! We share stories, play games, and my parents remind me to be grateful for everything my ancestors did to give us the lives we have today. The atmosphere is so peaceful and it feels very meaningful. Sometimes other families will join us and we all mingle together in a big happy group.

On the drive home, we always make one last stop to go fly kites in the park. There are kites of all colors, shapes and sizes darting through the sky. Some look like dragons or birds, others have long ribbons trailing behind them. My dad is an expert kite

flyer and he shows me all his techniques to keep it soaring up high. We stay until sunset, watching the vibrant kites dancing against the orange and pink evening sky. It's such a wonderful way to end the Qingming Festival celebrations!

Overall, this holiday is extremely important to me and my family. It allows us to remember our roots, honor those who came before us, and spend quality time together making new memories. I love learning about my ancestors and all the sacrifices they made. Qingming Festival fills me with appreciation and makes me want to work hard, so that I can make them proud too. I hope this tradition continues forever in my family!


Qingming Festival is one of my favorite holidays! It's when we visit the graves of our ancestors and clean up around their tombstones. My grandpa always tells me stories about our family history when we go.

This year, we brought fresh flowers, fruits, and even some of grandma's homemade dumplings to leave as offerings. After cleaning the area, we burned incense and fake paper money as a way to honor and provide for our ancestors in the afterlife.

The best part is having a picnic right there in the cemetery! We set up a little tent and ate all the delicious food together as a family. Grandpa told me about the great-great-grandparents I never got to meet. It made me feel connected to my roots. I look forward to Qingming every year. It's a special day to remember where we came from and keep our traditions alive. By respecting our ancestors, we show gratitude for their sacrifices that allowed us to be here today.


Qingming Festival is an important day in China. It is also called Tomb Sweeping Day. On this day, Chinese families visit the graves of their ancestors. They clean the gravestones and leave fresh flowers, food, and burning incense as offerings.

The name Qingming means \"clear and bright\" in Chinese. It marks the arrival of spring and warmer weather. People are excited for the new season after a long, cold winter. Qingming Festival has been celebrated for over 2,500 years!

My family always goes to the cemetery on Qingming Festival. We bring brooms to sweep the grave areas and make them look neat. We leave fresh fruit like oranges as offerings for our ancestors. It makes me feel connected to my family history. After

visiting the graves, we have a picnic outdoors. Qingming is a special day to honor our ancestors and enjoy the beautiful spring weather.


Qingming Festival: A Time to Remember

Hello, my name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. Qingming Festival is one of my favorite holidays. It's a special day when we visit the graves of our ancestors and remember those who came before us. Let me tell you all about this amazing festival! Every year, Qingming Festival falls on April 4th, 5th or 6th, depending on the lunar calendar. It's a national holiday in China, so we get a few days off from school. Yay! My family always uses this time to travel to my grandparents' hometown in the countryside.

The journey there is so much fun. We pack up our car with all the supplies we need – fresh flowers, incense, food offerings, and some cleaning tools. The ride is long, but we keep ourselves busy by playing road trip games and singing along to our favorite songs.

Once we arrive, the first thing we do is tidy up the grave sites. We sweep away any leaves or debris and make sure everything looks neat and clean. Then, we place the fresh flowers and light the incense sticks as a sign of respect. The fragrant smells remind me of my wonderful grandparents who I miss so much.

After that, we set out the food offerings like fruits, cookies, and even my grandpa's favorite candies. It's our way of showing that we're thinking of them. We also burn special paper money and other paper offerings. Some people believe that the spirits of our ancestors can use these items in the afterlife. Isn't that interesting?

The most meaningful part is when we bow in front of the graves and take a moment of silence. I close my eyes and say a little prayer, thanking my grandparents for all their love and for making our family so strong. Sometimes, I even talk to them and imagine they can hear me. I tell them about what's been happening in my life and how much I miss their warm hugs. Qingming Festival isn't just about sadness though. It's also a time for family reunions! Our extended relatives come from all over to join us at the graves. We catch up over delicious homemade meals, share funny stories, and the adults drink posebay (wine for the dead). The atmosphere is so lively and

cheerful. It makes me happy knowing that we're keeping our ancestors' memories alive.

My favorite part is flying kites with my cousins! We decorate the kites with drawings and write little messages on them to our grandparents in heaven. As the kites soar up high, I imagine my notes reaching the sky and my grandparents reading them with big smiles on their faces. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I like to believe they're proud of me.

After a long day of remembering our loved ones, we pack up and make the drive back home. I'm always a little sad when it's over, but I cherish the special moments we had. Qingming Festival reminds me of how fortunate I am to have such a loving, close-knit family. We may have lost some members, but their spirits will forever be a part of us.

That's why this holiday is so important to me. It keeps the memories alive and allows us to pay our respects in the most beautiful way. I can't wait for next year's Qingming Festival to come around again!


Qingming Festival: A Day to Remember Our Ancestors

Hi there! Today, I'm going to tell you all about a very special day called Qingming Festival. It's a time when we honor our ancestors and show respect for those who came before us. Qingming Festival is celebrated in early April every year. It's also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day because many people visit the graves of their loved ones and clean them up. We sweep away any dirt or leaves that have gathered, and we leave behind fresh flowers, food offerings, and burning incense.

The word \"Qingming\" means \"clear and bright\" in Chinese. It's the perfect name for this festival because it happens when the weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining brightly after the cold winter months.

During Qingming Festival, families often gather together and have a picnic near the graves of their ancestors. We might fly kites or play games too. It's a happy time to remember the people who are no longer with us and celebrate their lives. One of my favorite parts of Qingming Festival is the delicious food! We make special dishes like sweet green rice balls called Qingtuan. They're really yummy and fun to eat. Some people also like to have cold dishes like marinated bamboo shoots or jellyfish salad.

Another cool thing about Qingming Festival is the tradition of wearing willow branches. People put a small willow branch in their hair or on their clothes. The soft, green leaves are a symbol of new life and growth.

In some parts of China, there are special Qingming Festival activities too. For example, in Beijing, people go to parks to see beautiful displays of hanging eggs. The eggs are dyed in bright colors and hung from trees or poles. It's a really pretty sight! Qingming Festival is an important part of Chinese culture. It reminds us to always remember our ancestors and be grateful for the sacrifices they made. It's a time to spend quality time with our families and celebrate the cycle of life.

I hope you enjoyed learning about Qingming Festival! Next time it comes around, maybe you can try making some Qingtuan or flying a kite with your family. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Qingming Festival: A Special Day to Honor Our Ancestors My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. Today is Qingming Festival, which is one of the most important traditional festivals

in China. It's a day when we show respect for our ancestors by visiting their graves and tombs. Let me tell you all about this special celebration!

Every year, Qingming Festival falls on April 4th, 5th or 6th. It gets its name from the solar term \"Qingming\" which means \"Clear and Bright\" because it marks the time when the weather starts getting warmer and everything begins to grow again after winter. On this day, families gather together to tidy up and sweep the tombs of their loved ones who have passed away. We remove any weeds or debris and place fresh flowers, fruits, and burning incense as offerings.

My grandparents tell me that honoring our ancestors is very important in Chinese culture. They taught me that our ancestors' spirits continue to live on after death, and Qingming Festival is a way for us to pay our respects and say thank you for their care and sacrifices. It's our way of showing that we haven't forgotten about them.

This morning, my whole family woke up early to get ready for our annual tomb sweeping trip. My mom prepared delicious food like noodles, fruits, and my grandpa's favorite vegetables to offer at the grave sites. My dad bought fresh flowers and new incense sticks. I helped pack everything into our car trunk.

When we arrived at the cemetery, I was amazed to see so many other families there doing the same thing as us! The whole area was filled with the beautiful smells of flowers and incense. My brother and I carefully swept away any leaves and dirt from our ancestors' tombstones while my parents placed all the food and flower offerings. We all bowed our heads in silence for a few moments to show our gratitude.

After cleaning the tombs, we set out a picnic cloth and ate some of the food together as a family. My grandpa told funny stories about his parents and what life was like when he was a child. Listening to him talk made me feel even more connected to my ancestors who I never got to meet. I could imagine what they might have been like.

Qingming Festival is a reminder to appreciate my roots and where I came from. It's a day to pause from our busy lives and simply spend quality time together as a family while honoring those who came before us. I feel so lucky to be part of a culture with such meaningful traditions.

Even though it can be a bit somber to be at the cemetery, Qingming is actually one of my favorite holidays. Getting to hear ancestral stories, being surrounded by nature, and feeling that special bond with my family is what makes it so special to me. I

can't wait to continue this tradition when I grow up and have my own children someday!

