
游黄果树瀑布导游词 篇18

2024-07-16 来源:品趣旅游网

  Hello, I'm director Yang. Today, I want to let you enjoy the beautifulscenery of Huangguoshu waterfall.

  Please follow me. The waterfall in front of us is Huangguoshu waterfall.Look, it's like a transparent silk. It's really "flying down 3000 feet. It'ssuspected that the Milky way is falling nine days"!

  Now, you can take a deep breath. It's called "natural oxygen bar", and youdon't have to spend money. Enjoy it, tourists.

  Please follow me to the waterfall. Look, Huangguoshu waterfall is 101meters wide and 77 meters high. 8 meters, the water of the waterfall firstenters rhinoceros pond, then successively passes through sandaotan, horseshoebeach, zhulongtan, youyujing, guodihan, Wantang and maoshuitang. It is said thatthe water curtain cave of Monkey King is inside.

  There is another legend about Huangguoshu waterfall: Once upon a time,there was an old couple who were all over 70 years old and had no children. Oneday, the old woman had a dream. An immortal said, "there is a yellow fruit treeoutside your door. As long as you keep the fruit on the highest branch for 100days, you can have children if you eat it.". After listening, grandma sat up andtold her grandfather. So they took turns guarding the trees. After 99 days,unexpectedly, the fruit fell to the ground, and the earth immediately split acrack. There was a stream of water flowing down the mountain, formingHuangguoshu waterfall.

  This is the end of my explanation. Thank you for your listening. You canvisit the rest of the time by yourself. Be careful not to damage publicproperty.
