

2022-05-03 来源:品趣旅游知识分享网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Ring wraith costumes were made in total.(总共做了29套戒灵服装。)

2、My only question right now involves the wraith.(我唯一的问题是关于幽灵的。)

3、A fellow named Gavin Douglas took it upon himself to translate Virgil into Scottish poetic meter and, along with everything else, out popped two USES for "wraith."(一个叫做加文·道格拉斯的家伙把维吉尔翻译成了苏格兰韵诗,wraith的两种用法同时冒了出来。)

4、So, what you're saying is the Ancients actually created the wraith?(照你这么说,实际上是古人创造了幽灵?)

5、Later, after the Prince has himself become the Sandwraith and travelled back in time using the Mask of the wraith, he encounters his past self at the same time and place.(之后,王子自己变成了沙巫然后回到了过去时空,使用巫师面具,他在同一地点和同一时间遭遇到了他过去的自己。)

6、You tell me. A wraith, actually.(你告诉我。猎死灵,实际上。)

7、Buck flashed in the air, like some pale frost wraith, bathing in the moonlight.(巴克在空中闪过,像一个苍白的幽灵,沐浴在月光下。)

8、JRR Tolkien was an expert on the names of mythical creatures and his application of the word wraith to these creepy guys is only one of several established meanings.(托尔金给玄秘生物命名的本事可谓出神入化,他称呼那些骇人的怪物为wraith,只是取了这个词的其中一个意思。)

9、When twilight came on and Prissy, scurrying like a black wraith , lit a lamp, Melanie became weaker.(在暮色降临时,百里茜像具黑幽灵似的急急忙忙点起灯,媚兰显得更虚弱了。)

10、Her muscular body, clad in white tights and sweater that made her almost invisible against the sloping sand, moved like a wraith up and down the crests.(她身着白色紧身衣和针织套衫,在斜沙坡的映衬下几乎隐而不见,她那结实的身体像幽灵似的在顶峰上下运动。)

11、wraith: I'm coming with you, Logan.(你敢骗我,我就回来砍你的头。)

12、When a wraith from the past to his involvement when revenge, Kubo calm low-key life a huge moment.(当一位来自过去的怨灵将他卷入复仇之中的时候,久保平静低调的生活瞬间掀起巨浪。)

13、Why didn't the wraith blow them to pieces in the 38 mins they were sitting in orbit?(为什么当他们卡在轨道上的星门里时,幻影族不把他们轰成碎片呢?)

14、It can even sometimes just power right through base defenses which really the wraith couldn't have handled in the original game.(有时候它们甚至能直接干掉敌人基地的防御,而这是以前的幽灵战机无法做到的。)

15、Mile away, gives forth a mere wraith of sound. Itswhistle is deadened as in a dense wood.(经过的火车,半英里远的时候,就发出纯粹是一种幽灵般的声音。)

16、wraith: I tried not to.(我尽量不去想。)

17、The wraith hadn't left the planet yet - it wasn't safe.(幽灵族还没有离开这个星球,这个星球还不安全。)

18、As if on cue, brilliant purple light washed along the walls as the massive, bulbous form of a wraith slid into view from behind an abandoned commuter bus.(就在这时,明亮的紫光沿洞壁传来,一辆废弃的通勤巴士后闪出了巨大鳞茎状外形的亡魂号。)

19、While the second is the phantom of a living person that appears to their friends as a forewarning of the death of the person who the wraith appears to be.(而第二种意思则是活人的魂灵,它会出现在那些人的朋友面前,预言并警告他们说,魂灵的真身死期不远了。)

20、how would she know how a captured wraith acts?(她怎么知道一个幽灵的俘虏会怎样做?)

21、Strange to say, that two of the main definitions of wraith both appear in this year and in the same document.(奇怪的是,wraith的两大主要定义都出现在那一年,病出现在同一份书面材料里。)

22、I suppose the first time I encountered the word "wraith" was in the 70's when I read JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.(我第一次读到wraith(鬼魂)这个词应该是在70年代,它当时出现在JRR·托尔金的《指环王》中。)

23、I tease wraith by occasionally asking, "Does it look like me yet?" a few minutes into a new sketch or painting.(对于几秒钟就速成的素描或绘画,偶尔我会戏弄wraith说:“这看上去还像我吗?”)

24、That child flits about like a wraith.(那个孩子像幽灵一样飞快地跑来跑去。)

25、It inevitably does - to an astonishing degree and in a matter of seconds - but wraith wouldn't say so.(——这是必然的,以惊人的程度,在几秒钟之内——但wraith不会这样说。)

26、The stone servant rose, bowed again, and then disappeared into the wall as easily as a wraith might pass through a fog bank.(石头仆人站起身,再次鞠躬,然后如同鬼魂鬼魂穿越烟云般消失在墙里。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


