

2022-05-04 来源:品趣旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The implode effect simulates the center of your image being sucked into a virtual black hole.(内爆效果模拟了您图像的中心被吸入虚拟黑洞的情形。)

2、'I think the airlines are going to see their industry implode because people are going to stop flying, ' she said.(她说,我认为航空公司将会面临困境,因为人们都不坐飞机了。)

3、Will the mayor let the city's desperate health care system implode?(该市长是否会让这座城市的危机四伏的医疗体系就此崩溃呢?)

4、Do we have a strategy about what to do if Pakistan should to implode ?(如果巴基斯坦开始内爆,我们有没有什么应对战略?。)

5、Why do these couples seem to always implode?(为什么他们好像总是闹分手呢?)

6、You can also "implode" a sequence into a string with the XQuery string-join function, as in Listing 9.(您还可以使用XQuerystring-join函数将序列合并成一个字符串,如清单9所示。)

7、When enough electricity is applied to water, water will implode .(当在水中置入够多电性时,水就会爆炸。)

8、I can't fathom how these two nitwits managed to implode in the bottom of the seventh inning.(我实在无法想像这二个笨蛋是怎么样能在七局下半自爆的!)

9、but this would cause the financial system to implode, since the relations between assets and liabilities now in euros would become so uncertain.(但这将导致金融体系发生内爆,因为目前以欧元计价的资产与负债之间的关联性将变得不可确定。)

10、Some part of her worried that it would eventually implode.(她的一部分担忧最终会这会内向爆炸。)

11、The synchronized laser strikes caused the plastic pellet to implode, creating an extremely hot and dense core of gas, or plasma.(同步激光的袭击引起了小塑料球的内爆,产生了温度极高的浓密气核,或者称之为等离子体。)

12、Media BlackHole: So Much News That We'll implode?(媒体黑洞:如此多的新闻会让我们“内爆”吗?)

13、Use the implode function to turn that array of values into a comma-separated list.(使用implode函数将获得的数组转换为一个以逗号分隔的列表。)

14、In that universe, if you search on any search engine for that search engine's name, the universe does implode!(在那个宇宙中,如果你在任何搜索引擎中搜索该引擎的名字,那么这个宇宙就会爆炸。)

15、Time is too fragile, these good intentions have not implode, I think only I think.(时间太过脆弱、这些美好的意想还未实现就破灭、我以为的永远只是我以为。)

16、I dropped one from 5feet high that was about to implode and it scattered like a plastic-glass bottle.(我从5英尺高的高空摔落过一个,然后它像玻璃杯一样碎掉了。)

17、This warps the noise function in a concentric fashion about a point defined by the implode Center.(杂色函数经线在一个同心方式从压碎中心定义一个点。)

18、Theoretically, stars that are greater than about 20 times the mass of our sun are thought to implode and become black holes.(理论上讲,那些约比太阳质量大20倍的恒星会发生内爆,然后变为黑洞。)

19、Have you ever been insistent on making a certain decision or taking a specific direction, only to hit a brick wall or have things implode?(你是否曾经坚持做出某种决定或采取一个具体方向,却只是装到南墙或最终破灭?)

20、The urban legend goes that if you go to the Google homepage and search for "Google", the universe will implode.(有这么一个传说,如果你在Google的主页搜索“Google”,那么宇宙将会爆炸。)

21、Nor is the Chinese property market about to implode. Yes, a building boom and speculative excesses have occurred.(尽管盲目建设和投机过度确实存在,中国的房地产市场不会出现剧烈动荡。)

22、No worries though, their ponzi scam has come undone, and soon the entire worlds economy will simply implode.(不用担心,它们的庞氏骗局无法玩下去了,很快整个世界的经济都会崩溃的。)

23、That should soothe worries that B&B is about to implode. Otherwise, there’s little to give comfort.(对那些担心B&B彻底玩儿完的同志们来说,这或许是一丝安慰,否则就别指望什么了。)

24、There's a lot of power and energy at that point – a girl can change the world, or she can implode.(这个时期的她们,拥有无穷的能力和力量——一个女生可以改变世界,或者内爆。)

25、He embodies the greed, roguishness and deceit that caused the financial system to implode in 2008.(他将贪婪、无耻和欺诈付诸行动,导致了2008年金融系统的坍缩。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


